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Informazioni sul prodotto
The innovative design of the SECUR EXTRA THIN enables a further reduction of the wheel thickness by up to 20% compared to the SECUR SUPER THIN cut-off wheel and by 36% compared to the SECUR cut-off wheel.
Cost savings:
The reduced cutting loss due to reduced wheel thickness allows significant cost savings, especially when cutting expensive materials.
Customer solutions:
Thanks to our many years of experience, we offer the best application technology support.
Reduced energy demand:
Thinner cut-off wheels have a lower power consumption.
Conical shape:
The clearance in the cutting channel leads to a considerable reduction of lateral friction and consequently the thermal load on the workpiece and the cut-off wheel is lowered.
Grano abrasivo
- Tradizionale (A+C)
Legante resinoide
Centro download
- Inglese (US)
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